Zendesk Guide

Deploy your knowledge intelligently and create a smart knowledge base. The result? Better self-service and a support department with a lot of knowledge. Selfservice says it all: you do it yourself. It’s quick and easy for customers – and that’s what they like. Therefore, don’t let a knowledge base be missing from your customer experience strategy.

A help centre as a separate site is a possibility, but fully embedding it on the website is also an option. Want to go all smart? Then deploy Machine Learning to automatically suggest specific answers to customers. This allows your colleagues to focus even better on the queries that do require manual actions.

Curious how this works out in practice? Take a look at our own Help Centre.

Zendesk Guide

Easily share your knowledge and thus allow customers to find their own answers.

Professional FAQ’s

With a focus on content and a professional FAQ, you will ensure that your colleagues receive fewer questions and customers find their answers faster and independently.

Content always up-to-date

Using filters, you manage content easily and keep lists of potentially obsolete content. That way, you never give outdated information.

Collect complete customer information

Using forms, you gather the most complete possible information from customers, allowing colleagues to help more quickly.

Own design

Fully connect your help centre design to your website and create a complete customer journey.


Get in touch


Proud of our customers

“We have been working with RealConnections for close to two years now. Since day one it has been such an amazing journey. The professionalism and kindness of the employees there is of a very high standard. They are always hands on with their customer service and their level of a step by step walk through in all questions or problems, is out of this world..”

Customer Experience Manager, Giftcards Group

RealConnections helped us implement the full Zendesk suite and showed us things we did not know were possible with this product. In terms of the support they offer there is always someone willing and able to help with all of our questions and they are prepared to go the extra mile in order to help us achieve our wishes.
Marcus Andrew

Continuous Improvement Analyst, Mollie

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